Saturday, December 3, 2011

It was the month before Christmas....

As I survey my surroundings, I find myself in total amazement.  Sun glistening on the pond.  Tree sparkling with twinkling lights.  Faithful dog lying at my feet.  Senior son off to conquer the SAT.  The seasons of life.

Christmas brings to me a season of gratefulness, joy, and reflection.  When I ponder that my God would humble Himself to come in the form of a be born in a barn....Who am I?  The God of the entire Universe came in the lowliest of be born to die....for me.  HE desires relationship

The world is not always black and white.  I want it to be.  I need it to be.  Yet, in my small, tiny, miniscule relationship with the Creator of the Universe, He reminds me that He has a plan.  Better than my own.  Greater than my own.  And that His plan takes everything into account, so that I don't have to worry when it all doesn't seem to "fit".

Soverign God is in control.  He has it covered.  Wow.  I can rest.  I don't need to worry.  Nor do I need to attempt to control everything.  He's got it under control.  And He's got me covered.  I love to think of God's hands.  In my mind, He can cradle me in one hand, and cover me with the other.  In the palm of His hands, nothing can touch me nor reach me that He does not allow to.  Amazing.

And then there's this grace thing.  Do you really understand grace?  I know I don't.  Yet, the little bits of me that do...are simply bowed over by the idea that He's waiting on me, for me, in spite of me.  He wants me to turn from my wicked ways...daily...and cry out to Him.  Abba Father.  I need you.  I want you.  I'm broken.  I need your which point, He pulls me close, and wipes my tears and says..."enter in my child, you are mine...I've got you My grace you were saved...nothing you have ever done, or ever will do, is good enough to save you...yet, because you cry out to are mine."   Wow.  Wow.  Amazing.  Grace.  For a sinner such as me.....or you...

This season of life finds me celebrating my Saviors birthday.  My Grace-Giver's birthday.  My Abba Father has a birthday about to be marked...and the entire world knows about it...and most of them are going to have a party in celebration.  As I plan the party preparations, I must plan focus on my Party Guest.  Jesus Christ, the One who desire relationship with broken, pitiful, sinful having a birthday...   What in the world is going to be my gift for Him?

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