Thursday, September 15, 2011

Seasons of Life

When I grow up...what shall I be?  The thought still swirls in my mind from time to time.  Psychologists would say that I have the "Imposter Syndrome".  After all, I will be fifty next month.  I have birthed five children, seen two graduate from college, and even married one off this summer.

Sweet Son-in-love is so good to Married Daughter.  I watch them as they find their rhythm and pace together in life.  Young professionals, working hard, as they go from "me" to "we".  They are in a new season.

Daring Daughter number two is working in a professional job as well.  Third shift.  As I try to support her in all of her strange hours, packing lunches, making sure she's up...I entertain the thought of doing what she is doing, for myself.  When I grow up.

Precious daughter three is a freshman this year.  In college.  How DID that occur.  It's an amazing school.  Perhaps, when I grow up, I might be lucky enough to go there as well!  They really seem to be turning out some people with strong character and exceptional skills.

Sensitive son is a Senior.  Working.  Driving.  Applying to college.  Is this some mistake?

And my baby...can he really be fifteen?  Hmm...I remember when I taught him to ride a bike.  And how he talked ALL the time in the car, whether I listened or not.  He now stands two heads taller than me.

Well...when I close the chapter on this season...what shall I do?  Or, perhaps, this season never closes, only morphs and changes.  Perhaps, I will always be their Mother Unit.  Perhaps, they will always need hugs. Or listening ears.  Or care packages!  Or someone to cheer them on.  To tell them how proud I am of them.

Perhaps, in time...they will need a babysitter.

My head sports a few gray hairs.  Not many, thanks to my stylist!  My body creaks a bit more than it once did.  And my parents are growing...tired...and needing support.

If I don't grow up...but perhaps...I am growing up.  In the middle of two generations.  Parenting on both sides.  The seasons are changing.  But perhaps, just in color.  Perhaps...they never totally change, but just like my hair..they sport new hues and new styles.  But they still work together to make One. 

 I still may need to figure out what to be...when I DO grow up.

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