Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bountifully Blessesd

Warmth.  Fullness.  Safety.  Joy.  As I reflect this month on a season of Thanksgiving, and count my many blessings, I am often reminded that I count the big things, and sometimes the little things...but what about the abstract things.  The things that are so extremely important, but that I cannot touch.

If I lived in sections of New York or New Jersey right now, after the recent storm...or Haiti, or Kenya, or Nigeria...those things might seem more real to me.  When I crawl from under the warm covers into my warm I really grateful?  When I eat to my stomach's content, and then put leftovers in my too full refrigerator, do I understand anything about lack of fullness?  When I lock my doors, and go safely to my bed, do I wonder if someone should keep watch over my house tonight?  And if in fact, I did not have these things, or did not feel these things, would I, in the midst of want, find Joy?

I live in the richest nation in the world.  Even if I were the poorest of the poor, I would still be rich in comparison to a large percentage of the world.  Do I understand this though?  I have a house, with working heat.  And the money to keep it working.  I have two pantries, two refrigerators and a freezer.  I lock my doors, pet my dog good night, and trust that police will be on patrol, and all will be well.  I should be rejoicing and full of joy at all of this....  if I lived in New York or New Jersey or any of the third world countries..I would be.

We were without power for three days a few weeks ago.  When it came back on, I was joyful that I could flush the toilets, and turn on the lights and open the refrigerator.  I really savored the hot shower!  And while I was not joy-less without it, I might have begun to get a bit grumpy had the trend continued.

Perhaps, I am not looking for my joy in the right places.  Perhaps, my joy should come from my relationship with my Father.  Perhaps, He gives joy to the people in Haiti, and Nigeria and Kenya.....without flushing toilets...or running water...or power at times.

Scripture tells me that to whom much has been given, much is expected.  I think I can pretty easily say that I fit into the "much has been given" group.  And I'm guessing that you can honestly say that too.  Even if you don't want to.

So, in counting my blessings...perhaps I should look deeper...and up.  Perhaps the fact that my Father delights in me; that He knows every hair on my head; that He has a plan for me that is better than any I could imagine; that He is the Star Maker, and the Life Giver and the Joy Maker...should matter just a little bit more to poor little spoiled and pampered me....

Perhaps...I should count it all Joy....but in a way that is much less tangible and a way that requires me to focus on Him and not me.

I have a feeling that when I do, that my joy will abound.  And that it will flow out of my like a well, bubbling over, and blessing others in my pathway.  In fact, I can just about promise it.  Because He promises it.  For me.  And for you.  When we seek Him with all of our heart, soul and mind, then and only then, will we be wildly, immeasurably and abundantly blessed.  That's true Joy.

I'm so glad I'm a daughter of the King.  <3

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